
RING network extends to Greece

During May 2008, thanks to a cooperation between the INGV National Earthquake Centre (Marco Anzidei e Giulio Selvaggi) and the National Observatory of Athens, Greece (Athanassios Ganas), RING network extends to Greece with a new CGPS station co-located with MEDNET seismic station, the latter equipped with a broadband seismometer STS-2. The new station, which is part of NOANET as well, is located near Klokotos village (Thessaly), between Trikala and Larissa towns (see map). The station is equipped with a GPS receiver Leica GRX 1200 Pro, Leica AT504 Choke Ring antenna with SCIGN type mount, placed on a concrete pillar funded on the bedrock. Installation has been performed by INGV technicians Angelo Massucci and Sergio Del Mese with NOA technical support. Data are collected since July, 17, 2008 (DOY 199, sampling rate 30 seconds), by NOA and INGV data centers. The latter, which is located at Grottaminarda, is the main responsible of data archive and distribution of RING products.
